Chuck Logan

“Logan spins some nifty moves and countermoves…in this suspenseful thriller.”
–Publishers Weekly 1/20/17
Broker Is Back. Way Back.
It’s 1979. Broker has contracted with the state crime bureau for a secret, risky, undercover job that no cop could do, and it just turned into an open elevator shaft. A former foreign agent turns up dead in a remote patch of woods. A ton of contraband is in play that could have international implications. Broker knows he’s as flawed and fearless as the other members of his pick-up crew but he can’t resist following the trail into a limbo world where the shadows of the powerful merge with the shadows of the law. He only has one thing going for him. He’s been there before.
From About Chuck:
'Logan is currently shaking out the kinks after a five-year blind date with cancer. Minus some non-essential body parts, he's working on Soldiers of the Dust, a Vietnam fantasy.'